Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Letter to Motel 6 (This was in email form because I didn't want to look up the address. This was hindering me from sending the letter)

I arrived at the hotel around midnight and was very tired and need to rest because our friends were getting married in Bodega Bay the next day (Monday). The downstairs clerk placed us in the upstairs room closest to the street. When we arrived at midnight, the street wasn't loud, however, I was abruptly awaken before 5am because the noise from the cars was so loud. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't and eventually gave up and started my day early around 7am. This was not the way I wanted to be rested for the wedding. Also, come to find out there were plenty of hotel rooms further in the property. I was very disappointed with the Motel 6 brand and will not recommend it. It seemed like this was more of an hourly room than anything. I needed a good nights rest and couldn't because of the loud cars off the street.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Letter to Food Network

To Whom It May Cocnern:

In the last year I have become a big fan of the food network programming. It is a treat for both me and my girlfriend to watch episodes of chopped and next food network star on hulu. As someone with some television experience, I appreciate the show immensely.

I am writing to express my support for Penny the Middle Eastern Mama. Ir is refreshing to see er kosher style cooking. As you know she is ideal to reach out to the significant Jewish and Moslem communities here in America. Her mixed background is definitely a plus!

I know Jeff is the front runner, but sincerely hope Penny is given ample consideration.

Yours Truly,

p.s. I would love to attend a taping of a show in the Los Angeles area!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lengthy Letter to Home Depot

" To Whom It May Concern:

In one of my Sociology MA classes a colleague of mine suggested a research proposal that would pay 5,000.00 USD in a drawing for their participation. The professor childed him and stated that it was deceiving and wouldn't pass the institutional review board at our school.

Yet when I go to Home Depot and purchase something, there is this exact scenario on every receipt. Moreover on a visit a few years ago in one of the stores, an employe was speciifcally there to encourage customers to fill out a survey. I was in a hurry, but returned the next day to conduct the survey. I asked a few questions and the lady informed that to the best of her knowlege nobody from California won.

I want to share my thoughts on this survey. The store has predominantly intelligent contractors and uneducated workers. The contractors may not have the time to conduct the survey or have the forsight to not take part in it. The workers may be inclined to offer a more optimistic picture in hopes of winning 5,000.00. They don't know the probabilities of winning, and like their work for the contractors, the situation is perpectuated where the workers are undercompensated for their efforts. My biggest gripe with Home Depot is it's impact on the community as the arguments against Wal Mart are alligned with Home Depot's impact. For example, I grew up in a town with a small independent hardware store that was run for multiple generations. These people participated and were active members of the community. Home Depot put this store out of business. The community became less vibrant with these family's heartache.

I see this happening all over the area I live in. My hope is that someone in the higherup ups will read the Dr. Seuss novel The Lorax. Please give it to your children. Fight Investor Lawsuits. the system is flawed and we humans are becoming disconnected from the evnrionment and each other. Home Depot is a factor in all of this.

I sincerely wish your company goes out of business and that Home Depot feels the pains as many Americans have felt as a result of the effects of Home Depots in local communities.

Yours Sincerley

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Letter to Rust Consulting

"To Whom It May Concern"

I am in receipt of a letter that declares me inelgible for claim number... in the Fair Fund Distribution in Sec v Bank of America.

I did have elgible shares in my Roth IRA account through Wells Fargo. The acct number was W....lI had two shares. Wells Fargo may be contacted at 1 866-849-5758. I authorize Rust Consulting to verify this information.

The check may be mailed to

I may be contacted at

Yours Truly,

p.s. the error may be because my last name is spelled incorrectly on the letter

Friday, June 24, 2011

Letter to Meyenberg Goat Milk Distributors

"To Whom It May Concern:
I recently saw goat milk in my local supermarket. The thing about this market is it is not like the standard Ralph's Krogers or Safeways in the World.

It is a market that caters to low income people. When I saw goat milk was offered, I thought, "what a treat".

Goat Milk has surpassed my expectations. I am a big fan of goat cheese. I am a fun of goats. What wonderful creatures.

Anyways, I am headed to a wedding in Northern California and Burningman also in the next four months. If it's possible, I would like to schedule a field trip to maybe meet a few goats.

It would be me and my girflriend driving up. We have been together for four years. What better place for a getaway.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Letter to California Milk Advisory Board

To Whom it May Concern
I saw a very interesting billboard off the freeway the other day. It stated that 99% of the California Dairy farms were family owned. I am very interested in the 1% of the dairy farms that aren't family owned.

Are these the types of places that try to cram every orifice of the farm to maximize profits? Or are these legitimate companies practicing mindful practices? Can I take my child there?

I understand this may be a tough question, but I am very interested in finding more information out and paying these farms a visit.

Yours Sincerely,"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Letter to Dodger People

"It is with much delight that I send these receipts for the 76 ticket promototion. One of them is a reprint, however I do have credit card receipts to prove I purchased fuel at 10 gallon fillups.

It;s been many years since I've been to a Dodger Game because I lived in San Diego for a while.

Enclosed you will find a self addressed stamped enevelope (I know times have been tough)

I umpire baseball so any additional tickets if available, I would be happy to distribute to coaches to give to their players. But am also happy to take my girlfriend to a game. Times have been rough with us, so a data at Dodgers stadium would be absolutely lovely.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Letter to Baseball Coach

I did not receive a game fee on the field so I sent a letter to the coach at the school.


It was a pleasure to work for your team today. As per our agreement to have a check mailed to me from the school, enclosed is a self addressed stamped envelope. I imagine this is the only check being sent, however would be happy to fill out a tax form if necessary.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Letter to Christopher Gray Casting

Dear. Mr. Gray,

I would like to share with you my experience in earning an 87$ check for my work as an extra on the production of "Luck".

First, I had to sort out which casting company was filming at the racetrack in my hometown. I then signed up for more information on your site. A few months later, I received an email informing me I could create an appointment to register. I made an appointment for the following Monday and showed up at the time of my appointment to register. To my dismay, there was nobody in the office. I called and left a message and it was returned a few hours later. It was implied that the lady on the phone would waive the $25 fee to register. I said I could not make it, but promisted to return to register the following day. The next day I returned, however, along the way received a ticket for not having a hands free device for my cell phone. In a perfect world, I would have been able to register the day previously and had not had to run around. When I had registered, Dave helped me by getting me in the system. Though, in my opinion I dont think Dave was authorized to waive my fee. I did mention what had happened with my appointment. I have been studying qualitative sociological methods in school and from an analysis of Dave's speech, my inference was "Luck" was the only thing currently being cast by your office. For the next few weeks, I called with availability, however gbot busy with graduate school, umpiring baseball, and substitute teaching.

On may 26th, 2011, I was on my way out to do a planned errand with my mom, when I received a call at a little after 8 in the morning. It was a rush call, so I rushed into my 1969 Camaro and drove to the racetrack. Imagine my excitement thinking my goal as an actor to earn a union voucher had been met. I had rushed to set within 30 minutes of the call and had cleared wardrobe and found a production assistant at 845 am. For this rush call, the extra consideration was 6$ of time, yet in the back of my mind was Dave resassuring me how the relationship between people and the casting agency was different at Christopher Gray Casting.

The point of this letter is to inform you that for the trouble, I went through with registering, getting a ticket, and the rush call, I don't feel adequately whole. Therefore, I am asking for your attentive consideration in making me whole and continuing a steadfast and loyal agency.

I would like to earn a union voucher. I've taken acting classes, performed in theatre, and confuct myself with the utmost professionalism.

Thanx for your time. I hope we can continue a positive working relationship.

Respectfully Yours,

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Letter to Director of Financial Aid Office at my local University asking for 6,000


In 2010 I was very grateful to be awarded a State University Grant. I worked a total of 7 jobs so I could go to school, and pay living expenses. These experiences were helpful as they have given me a good schema to work with in understanding the world. None of these are fancy nor do they pay a lot. I worked as a substitute teacher, baseball umpire, enumerator for the United States Census Bureau, baseball codifier for Stats LLC, Background actor, tile installer, and real estate property manager).

All this "income" from different sources meant that my expected family contribution was 263.00. Or in other terms, I made 9,422.00 which is 42% of the poverty threshold. Yet with all this work I performed, I was able to maintain a 3.97 grade point average on the year while participating in clubs and student theatre performances. However, None of my jobs define me, like none of Martin Luther King's, or Gandhi's jobs define them. Similarly Rosa Parks and Jesus Christ had great contributions to American society, but their jobs didn't define them. The point is these people are defined by their strong wills and actions they did to better human society.

Last year If I would have have just not worked and had an expected family contribution of zero, I would have been elgible for financial aid. I think this sets a poor precedence and encourages people to set their limits to be sycophants of the state.

As a person with background in sociology, I am interested in finding out the actual numbers behind the state University Grants. I imagine this is public information, but had no idea where to file a records request. The front line staff in the center for financial aid, do not have the answers to this question.

I have five questions to which your responses to any of them will be truly valued:

1. How much money was there to be awarded for the 2011-2012 school year?

2.How many students had expected family contributions of "0".

3. Why is not possible for another student to transfer unused aid to me. For instance, my girlfriend was awarded a State University Grant, but does not need it for one quarter because she is set to be done with her classes early.

4. If funds do become available for whatever reason, would you please consider making a special action to retain me as a student here at ____ for outstanding contributions to the student community?

5. If granted a state University grant this year, I am willing to create a 25,000.00 scholarship for aspiring creative intelligent students that don't fit standard molds; but the Cal State Los Angeles community would benefit greatly from retaining them. How would I go about doing so?

Yours Sincerely,

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Letter to Health and Human Services

"To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to know more information about the National Children's Study.

I would either like to be a person conducting interviews (I worked with the census bureau), or I would like to offer my input my input as a participant.

I am a sociology graduate student at a Southern California University".

Yours Truly,

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Letter to Nestle Waters

"To Whom It May Concern:

I've noticed on packages of Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water that there is pronounced statements about reducing plastic. Yet to me it appearss as if package sizes are decreasing and that these smaller packages are encouraging users to consume more.

For example in 2005 (ish) the clear Arrowhead plastic bottle that held one gallon was reduced to hold less than 1 gallon. Now in 2011 it appears as if the original one gallon container begot the current 3 liter container. Furthermore it appears as if the current 3 liter containers uses up more plastic because it needs to because of a large conical invert.

In my opinion this invert is suspicious. In a way it tricks users and longtime consumers that they are getting the same product, yet this slight difference has ramifications for not only the planet but for shareholders.

I would like to know more information about this product (3L bottles). Specifically the different sizes this style of container has been. Also, I would like to see if reserach is done to produce optimal sized containers for Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water Containers.

Yours Truly"

*Note-Arrowhead is a brand of Nestle Waters which is actually based in Connecticut.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Letter to Zoological Society of San Diego

"To Whom it May Concern

This is the second time I've asked to be removed from the mailing list. I am not longer a member or a citizen of San Diego County.

As much as I love animals, I simply cannot afford to give money to them via this foundation. How is it I work multiple jobs and can barely stay afloat. I live over 100 miles away!

Each letter that is sent is one more tree that is processed and more piece of paper I need to recyle. I don't even open these letters anymore. This organization does not need to send them to me anymore.

We are broken up. "No means "No!"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Letter to Mt. Olive Pickle Company

"To Whom It May Concern
I would like to express my enjoyment of pickles. Often when I go to the market I try to purchase pickles that have the least amount of ingredients. Most of these are from Bulgaria or Israel. Sometimes I buy Mt. Olive Pickles. My burning question is how come polysorbate 80 and yellow 5 are used as ingredients. In my understanding yellow 5 is not a necessary component. Does this affect taste? Does this affect purchasing preferences?

Thank you for your time"