Saturday, April 11, 2009

Internal Bank Memo

Internal Bank Memo
While selling bank financial products it is most important to win and do whatever it takes. That's why when we're selling financial products we must think of who we are and who the customer is. If it's an older lady, get her out of your window as fast as you can. Do her slips, call her children, get her going on the way. Our best customers are college students and when they come your window or desk be sure to sell them a financial product. College students are most gullible for credit cards and 2nd and third checking accounts. If you see a college student has a student credit card, upsell them to a regular or even better yet a rewards credit card. The students will get the rewards which amount to 1 percent and their parents will pay the bill. With second checking accounts, be sure to explain to the benefits of being able to track their finances more easily by having additional checking accounts. Remember features tell, benefits sell. By selling these accounts and meeting your quota you can keep your job. If you exceed your quota you may be elgible for a bonus. Remember to keep your notes on your desk for when the supervisor comes by to collect your numbers every hour.

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